Hyped on sugar gum and slush puppies, me and my bros. Arturo Panduro and The Sterling Allen went on the road to H-town to drop off some arts at the CAM for the upcoming Nexus Texas show. Sterls' work from his Writesy Drawsy show at Art Palace is included in this show. If you missed it (sucka!–that shit was tight , yo!), you can still read the interview from the catalogue.
I'd like to say that we talked some riveting artspeak in the party van, but if that happened, I was unaware, as I was nose-deep in the last Harry Potter book…which sucks. (See my digression below…)
We checked out Black Light, White Noise, where we found ou the following from our buddy Marcus: Just days prior, Beyonce threw a party for her lil' sis at the CAM. (Hey, Toby! How do I get on that guest list?) Even better: Jay-Z performed in front of Nadine Robinson's hot,
hot, hot (literally) installation Wormwood, a star-shaped arrangement of tan-inducing molten light. Jay-Z! Beyonce! A cake in the shape of a record! For rils!
Next, we joined CAM curator Toby Kamps, NYC gallerist Max Protect and Irene Hofman, Director of the Contemporary Museum
in Baltimore for some BBQ. Topics of conversation: waterskiing, dealing
Rymans in Pig Latin, Volkswagons as currency. Number of beers drunk by
the Kamps camp: 1 each. Number of beers drunk by the Austin contingent:
I lost count. Austin represents!
Props to by boys Sterls, Justin Boyd and Mike Smith, whose work will be featured in Nexus Texas and a shout out to my girl Cauleen Smith, whose testsite installation with A. Van Jordan (my most fav. curatorial project to date) will also be in the show!
Digression: Not to be a cynic or squelch the hearts of children across the world, BUT Harry Potter should have died! That's the way the genre works J.K. Rowling! Hero + events of unspeakable
horror= and inability to continue living in the world that you have saved. And especially not happily ever after with your girlfriend! Its a tough lesson to learn, kiddos.
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pics from the Nexus Texas opening!