Lawndale's gotten a little static over their next round of studio residents: one of them, Lynne McCabe, was the chair of Lawndale's programming committee last year (she is joined by Teresa O'Connor and Danny Kerschen). The programming committee is in charge of Lawndale's exhibit programming, and one of its members helped select the residents for this round. Lawndale brass say they're aware of the programming committee loophole in the application process and are reviewing it (applicants currently must not be on the committee at time of application, but have no "waiting period" before they can apply). The residency program is much-needed and is still in the incubatory stage (this is only the second round of residents), and we hope it will grow become an important part of the Houston scene. [UPDATE 9/4/06: It's been suggested to us that this news item implies that the residents weren't chosen based strictly on the quality of their work. McCabe, Kerschen and O'Connor deserve better: both critics and Lawndale staff members alike agreed that the winning proposals were the best of the bunch — just that a policy that would allow someone so recently and so intimately involved with the institution to become a resident might not be in the best interest of the program, long term. We wish the best of luck to all involved!]