Obviously, there are some participants I really don’t care for, but
it’s understandable given that it was probably a curatorial consensus,
and that always leads to some questionable decisions. So here is a JPEG
preview of the artists included, an abridged (since some people manage
to have very little Internet presence. So chic! So underground!) and
probably outdated (since we can’t expect everyone to keep their
websites up to date as that would interfere with life in meatspace)
sneak peak at what AMOA (and their fabulous carpet) has in store for us
come February 16 2008. I don’t want to get into the specifics of each
artist partly because I’m sure the actual show will include a lot of
new work but mostly because it would be a bad idea to try to review a
show that won’t open for another four months. I’ll get to that in due
time. Never tell me I don’t troll the Internetz so you don’t have to:
Yoon Cho‘s photography was last seen in Dallas Contemporary ‘s 2006 show MIX!
Meggie Chou‘s mixed media installations you might remember from Creative Research Lab‘s 2006 Intersection, as well as Arthouse‘s New American Talent #19 and #21.
Incubation Machine No. 1
Ali Fitzgerald has had so many places show her paintings and installations it would take me ages to give you a full list. So here’s a link to her Art Palace profile.
Selection from The Phantom Traveling Trenchcoat (from ArtLies #53 )
Alyson Fox‘s paintings on mixed media I can’t find much information on, so here’s a Flickr set from a show she had in 2006 at Progress Coffee.
The Smell of Apples
Buster Graybill‘s mixed media installations are always a treat. Here’s a review from his 2006 Donkey Show (R.I.P.) show, and his 2nd Texas Biennial artist page.
Corn Fed, as seen in Creative Research Lab’s 2006 Making It Alone
Jen Hirt & Scott Webel (Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata), mixed media installation.
Moonlight Towers, from their Machines show
Jules Buck Jones‘s drawing have graced the walls of testsite 06.3 , Creative Research Labs’ Making It Alone, and the absolutely amazing Stalemate of the Boozefox at MASS gallery.
Lava Dream
Baseera Khan‘s paintings were last seen in Austin on a ping pong racket at Studio 107‘s very strange Puma show, as well as the 2nd Texas Biennial.
Saag’s Dream
Andrew Long‘s painting were last seen in 2006 at Conduit Gallery in Dallas.
Breathing Room
Kurt Mueller is supposed to make a video installation for New Art In Austin, but in Creative Reasearch Lab’s Making It Alone, he chose spraypaint as his medium of choice.
Round Up installation view (with Jamie Rene Wentz, a project Bill Davenport didn’t like too much)
Jill Pangallo (video installation) is one of my favorite artists in Austin. Fortunately she very often has work at Creative Research Lab.
still from Note To Self
Scott Proctor‘s site-specific installation (pictured below) really impressed me at the Visual Arts Center at UT’s Coda (MFA Thesis 2) show.
When asked he replied,”I ran for my life.”
Matthew Rodriguez (mixed media installation) has had a pretty good couple of years lately. Between his Deitch Projects‘ Art Parades , his solo shows at Volitant in Austin, Motel in Portland and Riviera in Brooklyn, I think he’s probably feelin’ good about stuff.
on the set of “double coupon day”
Shawn Smith‘s beautiful pixelated sculptures will make up half of the upcoming show at D Berman opening on Thursday, October 18. So go see them.
Xochi Solis (painting) is the future former director of Volitant Gallery and curator of the wonderful Femme Fantastique show. It’s sad to lose another gallery in Austin, but maybe now she’ll make some more good work!
Buscando Para Mi Media Naranja, as seen waaaay back in Creative Research Lab’s 2005 Senior Studio Exhibition
Sarah Sudhoff (photography) recently won first prize at Stephen F. Austin University‘s Texas National 2007 competition.
S04 from the Repository series
Raymond Uhlir‘s paintings were last seen in their full technicolor at the Deborah Colton Gallery‘s Fore Fathers and Hooray for Sanctimony: A Calvinist Adventure Through the Sophist Temple of Doom.
They Danced to Celebrate
Stephanie Wagner‘s ceramic knickknacks
were last spotted at UT’s Visual Art Center’s CODA: MFA Thesis 2.
Harvey & Friends
Rebecca Ward has created site-specific installations using tape for Arthouse’s New American Talent #21 (the window display!), The Donkey Show (R.I.P.), the 2nd Texas Biennial, and many others.
rip and pull (from her Finesilver Gallery show in Houston)
Eric Zimmerman‘s mixed media pieces are featured in Artlies #53, and have graced the walls at Art Palace and rocked the boat (groan) at Aqua Art Miami.
Trouvelot’s City A, (For Joel)