One character in Jonathan Marshall's video is dressed in an elaborate muppet-like bear suit that is on display in the show. The bear character crawls awkwardly on all fours thorough the woods to impart a mystic gift to the bearded traveller.
Houston artist Dan Fabian made an elaborate sasquatch suit for his 2006 Ape-Man show at Cactus Bra in San Antonio, posing for photo op's with visitors to the show. The set for Fabian's piece included a large hollow fake rock that doubled as a cave in which his ape-man character could camp.
In the same installation at Arthouse that included the raft [see previous post], Justin Boyd had another largish fake rock/wigwam, also hollow. Speaking into the tiny hole creates an exaggerated echo via a mysterious technology. I'm big fan of big lumpy objects. Here in Texas, where we missed out the whole retreating ice sheet/glacial moraine thing, boulders are rare and mythical objects, not impediments to progress as they are in New England. Just as the Nineteenth century is frozen as the time for American myth, the northern temperate zone is its archetypal climate. Right now kids in Houston, Southern California and Florida are coloring fall leaves red and yellow.
isn’t there already an Austin art blog?
yeah but i can’t cover everything…
this one from the turner prize.
it’s international!
here is the link: