In the summer of 1994, at a Houston hardcore punk club, Paul Guilford looked like he was playing bass, but only sometimes sounded like it. Dave Dove crudely clunked a microphone up the bell of his trombone, hammering away at some type of free-jazz filtered through a DIY punk aesthetic. As The Dave Dove/Paul Duo, the two recorded one CD, the rugged "A" in 1995. Friday, September 26, they will reunite at Domy Books, Austin to begin their reunion tour. 8pm, $5–10 suggested donation.
Thanks for bringing up some interesting points Ivan. My two cents on RS vs the world… Robert Storr and Ingrid Schaffner were here at UT viewpoints guest lecturing several years ago. Miss Schaffner talked first. Then Mr. Storr took the podium and said something like …I am adjusting my notes, since Miss Schaffner has gone over her time by 5 minutes and interfered with my plans, you will be missing points. This is not my first book and will not be reading my doctoral thesis to you now…..then he talked about his interest in ‘the grotesque’ in art… HE WAS MEAN, he attacked his fellow lecturer for no reason, he was aggressive and petty. I remember feeling offended and wondering if I should leave immediately so as not fuel his apparent need to dominate and control (5 min over!!?) the room. Was anyone else there? is there a recording of this? He struck me as a bully, the kind who wins by yelling the loudest, rather than by creating nuanced arguments. he can talk real fast about art.
you can read about this kind of thing on an international stage in the last six months of Artforum (or the wrap up on artnet) where he rebuts every single critic to his biennale with numerous, 8000-word diatribes, attacking them each personally. A snarky aside or two I can understand – but 10 page refutations of every single criticism? I think the guy clearly has (somewhat infamous) issues. It was funny to see, after the first round, how the critics kind of went “whoa; whatever dude” and left him hanging by his own petard…
And I agree a school is a really important element in fomenting a scene. I don’t see how you can do it without one – its creating a low, industrial-strength glass ceiling in Dallas. Big D has a lot going for it, but the lack of a truly exemplary, forward looking, comprehensive art program somewhere around is a big problem. And a good one is years away, at best…there are a few highlights, but nothing cohesive.
there are more punk clubs out there, dude.
… it came from the press release. however, what clubs in houston *are* punk?
Well Fitz’s should count, plus Southmore is still open in the warehouse district, what about the Axiom (RIP)
I’m a sucker for dramatic phrases, and lazy to boot. My apologies to punks.
Don’t miss Paul Guilford/Dave Dove/Nameless Sound Ensemble also at Art League Houston, Sunday October 12, from 7-9!