"Joseph Marioni is one of the most revered artists working in the European art scene. He is celebrated in countries like Switzerland and
Germany where he exhibits widely in both museums and galleries and is
collected widely in the public and private sectors… The vivid psyche and relentless imagination of the Painter Joseph
Marioni lead us into visual mindscapes whose surfaces are at once
calming and adventurous."
Despite the fact that abstraction is still alive (bleeding out of its ears, but still very much alive) I cannot agree that Marioni is doing it any good. Fried’s grasping at straws sounds like Pat Buchanan on Rachel Maddow. Macaroni will go over in SA like a lead balloon, but don’t forget what they say…
you should consider only making your pictures centered rather than your whole entry. It looks shitty when the whole fucking article is centered when most likely you only want the pics that way. This makes you look much dumber than someone who capitalizes the letter P for emphasis.
Even if you change your formatting you are still an asshole.
Anyway. Fuck you.
go take a nap, bro.