Bac 2 da git mo’. Told yall da motto iz "git mo’" b4, durin g, and afta da storm . So nice 2 see yall bac wit da real shit out dat "H". Yall gotta luv this jam. This 1 calle d, "We Shine " (and dat we do so well) . It stars E- Rock & 007 from da 5th Ward Boyz, Nicke l- Boy, Terra ntino , and Daddy Lo’.
Yall remem ba 2 leave yall good ole comme nts and rate this and da otha jamz on our page and remem ba to logon 2 and downl oad this jam 4 FREE! ! So u can swang in ya slab while ya shine homie .
Fuk witch a boyz! !
mp3 music code from tasty mp3
Git Mo’ ’08,
Yall remem
Fuk witch
mp3 music
Git Mo’ ’08,