All right, so maybe with erotic art it’s much easier to titillate (zing!) the senses, but that didn’t stop me from thinking Aerosol Warfare’s “Broken Heart Erotic Art Show” was hot shit.
Trash and Garnish
From Jeanette Degollado’s super sexy torso shots to Trash and Garnish’s American Apparel-style photos (now with extra trashiness!) to Stephanie Toppin’s collages (chopped and screwed, you might say), there was a lot of variety on the photography front, and it was all likely to give a gynophile a funny feeling inside. (And don’t get me started on the placement of La Sabre’s burger photos next to Degollado’s shots of tits with tennis racquets, which got all kinds of motors running.)
I’m becoming more and more tired of urban art – or whatever you want to call that hipster-hop aesthetic that’s busted a vein and bled all over just about everything – but even the show’s urban works came off as fresh and provided a nice counterpoint to the nudie pictures. I’m looking at you, B~Kay, Give Up, Eyesore and Dual, and I’m liking what I saw.
Was the show groundbreaking or cutting edge or anything like that? Nah. But it definitely was hot.