Austin-based artist Steve Brudniak is a renaissance wonder of creativity, charm and wit. Over the years, Brudniak has successfully had his hands in sculpture, design, performance, carpentry and radio announcing, as well as directing and producing films and writing music and prose. He is also a cactus aficionado. Brudniak has built a brilliant live/work studio space for himself where he obsessively creates his powerfully charged, fetishistic sculpture.
Brudniak’s studio has a simple layout. The lower level has about 200 square feet of storage space. It is filled with well-organized objects. Dozens of drawers and shelves hold steel, iron and glass as well as storied objects awaiting placement in his art. A walled-off 500-square-foot area is designated for welding, soldering, buffing, polishing and creating his work. There is a handmade stone fire pit in the front yard and a big wooden dining table in a dirt driveway that is at odds with the polished nature of the house. Brudniak lives on the comfortable second floor with a garden of exotic cactus in his well-lit living room.
Steve Brudniak’s sculpture is on view though January 2010 in the People’s Gallery at Austin City Hall. Brudniak’s work is also included in upcoming exhibitions at Blue Star Contemporary Art Center in San Antonio and at an undisclosed Houston location. Brudniak remains involved in experimental performance, music and percussion as well as film making and acting. He can be seen in Rick Linklater’s Waking Life and other films.
Everett Taasevigen is a Houston photographer.
Also by Everett Taasevigen:
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Glass Houses 8: David Aylsworth
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Glass Houses 7: Jill Pangallo
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Glass Houses 6: Nestor Topchy
we’ve gained a few more. Maybe not with Lombardi’s sexy locale but honest to goodness venues none the less. Now if we could just convince people that there is art beyond W. 6th street…
Sometimes I wonder if Austin is simply a victim of it’s own perceptions.
And I thought I was pessimistic. Gallery Lombardi closes and that triggers the death of the Biennial?
If the Biennial dies, it will be for failure to be relevant.
As unavoidable as closing the space is, Rachel is a good person and business minded. I have little doubt that she didn’t warn the Biennial folks. Sure, they’re probably scrambling right now, but they’ll figure it out.
The Lombardi space is available to rent for $2500/ month.
Maybe they start selling Texas-shaped cookies.
Hey _scott
Don’t be shy. Name names.
I’ve got 1305 position, On the 5th and Birdhouse Gallery. Which venues have you seen pop up?
And I’m guessing by the number of people out for EAST and the gang of artwalks this month, that people know about art beyond 6th street.
Are they buying beyond West 6th?
Thank you for this peep into the home of Steve Brudniak; who will constantly remain My Idol. Lips