Green Mountain Energy, Texas' pricey, but renewable, energy provider has donated a 5.2 kilowatt photovoltaic solar panel to Ballroom Marfa, the contemporary art space in that pricey West-Texas art mecca. Funded by voluntary donations from members of Green Mountain's Big Texas Sun Club to promote solar projects in Texas, the panels will generate about 15% of the building's electricity, and heaps of payment-free publicity like this blurb.
1 comment
I had been a loyal customer of Green Mountain Energy since 2001, up until this year. This April, I switched to Champion Energy. Champion has a ‘green’ energy choice that is over 4 cents a kilowatt hour less than Green Mountain Energy. Green Mountain Energy kept going up on their rates without telling me and I had to beg for my old rate when I did notice the increase. Maybe there are better choices out there but Green Mountain Energy should treat the people who signed up with them early and paid more all along with a tad more respect.