And it’s with these superficial wounds that all of us go limping into the following weeks of June, which inevitably end up being an introduction to the kind of oppressive, almost syrupy nonsense that we as central Texans endure in the summertime heat.
(Before I go any further, the greatest irritant during this time of year is, believe it or not, NOT the temperature, but instead the cheery, NedFlanders -ish group of optimists that cling to the notion that they have not only embraced the four-month swelter, but have come to enjoy it. I refer to this evil cadre, from the rooftop with gusto, as The Great Liars.)
So, to slug it out with my sluggish tendencies under the bright light of the sun this month, I have decided to take a speed dating approach to the scene, if you will, with quick visits and short bursts of coverage so as to not overdo it, strain a muscle, etc. Sure, a crass parallel when put in the context of fine art, but that’s sort of the joy of my blog, so there.
Off I go…
The Davis Gallery
Wood & Steel
By Caprice Pierucci & Randall Reid
Situated just east of 12th and Lamar, due south of some all-too-frequent constructional fungus in town these days, and a healthy southwestern rock toss from the Rio Grande campus of Austin Community College, The Davis Gallery hosts two Texas State educators and their work through the end of the month.
Working in the former material of the exhibit’s title, Caprice Pierucci transforms a background in textiles and tapestry weaving into a method of sculpture that is labor-intensive woodworking of the highest order. Whether a simple curve, a skeletal network of connected lines, or rippling waves, there is a sensual, fluid rhythm to her vision that strongly suggests the kind of infinite possibility of the human emotional spectrum (and intriguingly so!) that she has chosen to mention in her statement online. There is so much motion in this work, and the combination of movement and size captivates at angle, after angle, after angle of viewing. One piece looks like wave forms stacked vertically, another looks like melting wax hanging from invisible dowels, and so on. Smooth, undulating wood creations as if abstract snapshots of motion, Pierucci has a distinct voice that gallery owner Bill Davis mentioned has only refined with each passing exhibit, and I look forward to staying abreast of its evolution.
Last, I appreciate the forced juxtaposition of the materials and the approaches of the artists by The Davis Gallery.
Number two, soon to come…