With dreams of a Millermatic 180 welder dancing in her head, Houston-based, Prague-born artist Hana Hillerova is pushing her signature use of mirror in a new direction; she’s learning to solder with the use of an industrial welder. Hillerova has a beautiful studio with skylights, cement floors and industrial roll-up doors on both ends. The geometry of the crossed steel of the trusses in her light-filled space, along with the carefully used spots of color, reflects the aesthetics of her art.
Hana Hillerova received her MFA from the University of Texas in 2004 and in 2005 she attended Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. She’s currently at work on a public art project for the Houston International Airport that will be unveiled in 2010, 2009. Hana Hillerova: Conscious Space, a solo exhibition of her work is on view through October 1 at Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery.
Everett Taasevigen is a Houston photographer.
Also by Everett Taasevigen:
Glass Houses 12: Leslie Wilkes
Glass Houses 9: Steve Brudniak
Glass Houses 8: David Aylsworth