Dave Hickey, possibly the most well-read art writer in the country, gave quite an interesting talk at the School of Visual Arts several weeks ago. He’s loved, he’s hated (Charlie Finch’s review of the talk is entitled "Still a Fraud" HA!), and he’s grouchy. And he wants to tell you all about it.
Wait, you haven’t watched it? Well, that’s probably because it was just too damn long to watch on the Internet. The funniest part about this, of course, is that the talk was supposed to focus on boredom. Yet it was really much more about the difference between true "happiness" versus "contentment" along with a powerful damnation of the graduate school system that the writer abhors (yet participates in…). Hickey has lots of compelling-if-at times-problematic ideas about middle America and corporate culture in relation to artistic production.
I’ve managed to boil down his forty minute lecture to a much more palatable eleven minutes of sound bites.
Dave Hickey, The Good Ennui, Abridged! from kate watson on Vimeo.
So what do you think? Fraud? Frump? Genius? I just can’t decide.