The latest addition to the University of Houston’s public art collection, the Art Guys’ The Statue of Four Lies, will be unveiled at noon on Wednesday, September 22 on the UH campus. The blizzard of press releases concerning the new wonder-work describe alternately as “Texas’ most surprising statue!”, “fruits rendered in bronze,” “a bearded man who seems to be reaching forward” and “quaint statuary.” Although the new piece’s form, purpose and meaning are shrouded in mystery, the “dramatic world premiere unveiling” including songs by Stu Mulligan, music by Hank Schyma, and magic by Okashunal “OK” Sadubius BrownKlown, surprises, remarks by Richard Armstrong, professor of Clasical Studies, balloons, and more remarks by university president Dr. Renu Khator, will likely be worth it. The piece and the unveiling are located on the North side of the new Cougar Village adjacent to Lynn Eusan Park near the intersection of Wheeler and Calhoun Sts.