NAP Church, a napping/prayer/meditation arranged by artist Emily Sloan and Napping Affects Performance (NAP) nappens Sunday, Jan 23 from 1-4pm at Little Woodrow’s Ice House, 4235 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston. Eye coverings, ear plugs, and a limited number of cots will be provided. Yoga mats and sleeping bags are also welcome. Free and open to the public of all faiths and drowsinesses. Collaborators with the NAP include: Houston artists Mari Omori, Kisa Parker, Beth Secor, Julia Claire Wallace, June Woest, Ruby “Lips” Woodward, the Art League Houston, El Rincon Social, the Heart of Texas in Nacogdoches, Lawndale Art Center during The BIG Show, Little Woodrow’s, NOTSUOH, and St. Rose College in Albany, New York. Napping Affects Performance and NAP Church are organizing a Southern Naptist Convention to be held in Houston this March 2011