Non-profit developers Artspace Inc., have struck a deal with the City of El Paso and the El Paso Community Foundation to build "affordable" live/work space for artists. The contract is signed, and Artspace is scouting buildings to add to the 27 projects in 19 cities it currently owns. The developers are looking at a 30-60 unit complex with ground floor retail and office space. The planned development will include both "affordable" and market-rate" units. A committee will screen some tenants (who qualify for subsidized low cost housing) for artistic worthiness, qualifying the project for grant money. Typically, a majority of tenants, who are neither subsidized nor artists, are chosen for their ability to pay. Nevertheless, according to community volunteer Chris Cummings who has worked on the project, “we want this to be organically done, we don’t want to force something that’s not real.”