In addition to Glasstire’s erratic artfair coverage, varying with the signal strength of the GRB’s wi-fi jamming, a number of other people had something to say about the first contemporary art fair in Houston. Here’s a roundup:
Blogger Robert Boyd of The Great God Pan is Dead took time off from the opening festivities of Pan Y Circos at PG Contemporary, which he curated, “to take pictures of fabulous people and probably mock them,” but the batteries were dead in his camera, so he made do with talking about Steve Keene’s $5 paintings.
Glasstire arch-rival Culturemap Houston “noted a rather upbeat and personable atmosphere at the preview” and described some of the goings-on.
Jill Hunter‘s video of the preview party on 002’s website is a palimsest of faces and pieces, with an atmospheric euro-soundtrack in place of the raucous chitchat .
Jeanette Joy Harris went to the panel discussion Friday on Art Investment Strategies, discovered that she was a collector, not an investor, and has a report.
The Houston Press has a slideshow of the preview party by Francisco Montes.