The Art Museum of South Texas’ annual Holiday Christmas Tree Forest show opened on Black Friday with two dozen trees decorated to represent various countries by local schools. This is the second edition of the annual show since its revival in 2010, after being shelved for a decade, and remains but a pale shadow of the popular Christmas Tree Forests of the 70’s, which could draw 20,000 visitors to the museum and displayed over 70 trees. This year’s event is sponsored by HEB food stores and the Junior League of Corpus Christi: ornaments and the tree themselves will be donated to needy families on December 21, when the show ends. Seeing the forest is free with museum admission, and there’s a chance for visitors to see the forest for free from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 10 for Holiday Family Fun Day.
At the whole other end of the state, the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at Midwestern State University is exhibiting the Hughes Family’s Santa’s Express Train Show, a 1200 square foot model train layout with 18 trains, mountains, oil fields, Spider-man, and a light show from Nov. 4 – Jan. 14 and there’s a video of the set-up!