Christmas has never been my bag. Growing up, my Jewish stepmother would look out the window on Christmas morning and in mock desdain remark, “I hope the goyum got their white Christmas.” We’d laugh and then make plans for a matinee and Chinese food after. So I’ve felt strange lately finding myself longing for some kind of Christmas tradition. The other day I seriously considered throwing a party with eggnog, all my friends gathered around stringing popcorn, smiling, maybe even singing carols. At the grocery store I approached a woman buying a small pine tree, “How much is this?” I asked. “Twenty dollars,” she replied and we oohed and aahed over its sweet piney-ness. “I’m turning into my mother,” I groaned and she smiled knowingly, “We all do.”
So I was beyond pleased to find myself at ND Studios on a cold and rainy night to see Rebbecca Havemeyer & Stanley Roy’s Christmas! . . . Carefully. An incredible Christmas review in the vein of Kiki and Herb, the show includes dancing, singing, boozing it up, a killer pigeon named Boscoe, and the Virgin sass of New Yorker Mitzi Meyers.
Walking into the venue I met a sweet young man who told me he brought his mother, crossing his fingers that the show wasn’t too racy. And beyond the casual references to genital warts and cock rings, the show is good clean fun. Or at least just a lot of ridiculous Christmas fun. Havemeyer, as created by renaissance man Paul Soileau, is a cross between Baby Jane and a Housewife from Beverly Hills. Roy is her rosy cheeked side-kick, looking for a Christmas miracle. Together they do their twist on traditional Christmas tunes, crack jokes, and introduce special acts like Little Stolen Moments, my new favorite modern dance troupe, and Boscoe the killer pigeon played by local performer Silky Shoemaker.
In a particularly hilarious segment, Boscoe attacks Havemeyer and the gang. Lights flash on and off, everyone moves as if in slow-motion, and someone is saved. . . carefully! Cinematic and full of yuletide spirit, the review showcases incredible performances. At one point, Roy sang a heartfelt solo on his ukulele, simultaneously making me laugh and tear up. Don’t miss this Christmas special. The last performance is tonight at ND Studios at 9pm and is followed by a holiday dance party.