The Nasher’s James Turrell Skyspace piece may be shuttered, but Houston is Turrell territory: his third major piece in the city, an outdoor music venue/skyspace/Mayan mound temple is getting the final polish over at the Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music. It’s part of a larger public art push at Rice: Culturemap has a roundup of public art pieces installed or in the works for Rice University’s futuristic BioScience Research Collaborative building, cozied up to the Texas Medical Center. They’ve already got a James Surls Molecular Flower outside (doesn’t everyone?) and Leo Villareal’s Radiant Pathway, a nifty computer-controlled starburst in the cafe. They have just unveiled Geronimo, a giant collage by Rice Art Deptarment chair John Sparagana. Across campus, painter Dana Frankfort is working on two big word paintings for the BRC’s stairwell in a temporary studio.