Nac Film Theory, a group of filmmakers based in Nacogdoches, Texas has released the sixth episode of “Caballero,” in which a lone hero tackles human trafficking and the sometimes deadly pursuit of the American dream. The latest 3-minute installment of the mud, blood, and drama saga is now in circulation on multimedia websites such as Comcast’s Houston’s Voice channel (also featuring Is it Art Yet? is a program produced monthly highlighting the Fine Arts Departments at HCC!) and Youtube.
Nac founders Gabriel Carmona and Branden Selman work to unite artists with interests in cinematography, screenwriting, and film production. Their new series follows the somewhat more tongue-in-cheek social activism of their documentary on “Librotrafficantes,” smuggling banned Mexican American history books into Tucson schools.
Gabriel, beautifully made. Sadly, the dark scenes go total black on my macbook screen. interesting use of overexposure.
dont know.. all these videos make no sense.. kinda weird .. the newer ones make no sense at all.. wtf is going on? how does it jump from ep 6 to like thirty something.. holds no story .. maybe more episodes will help..