I ran around E.A.S.T. Sunday afternoon, the last day of the annual Austin arts festival. It was a sunny and beautiful day–perfect for wandering about and looking at local art. E.A.S.T. is chock full of work and I only just barely scratched the surface. I love how inclusive the show is and yet, next year It’d be great to see a gallery do a very small, considered one-person show. Just as a counter-balance, you know? Anyway, I took some pictures and brought them back to this blog and in the spirit of the mishmash that is E.A.S.T., here’s what caught my eye in the order I saw it.
Lauren Klotzman showed some geometric paintings at wardenclyffe gallery. I like how they’re pasted to the teevees.
There is something really goofy and charming about this painting plus a 40 by Connor Shea and titled “Loose Laces.” On display at wardenclyffe.
Manik Nakra showed his Indian folklore paintings also at wardenclyffe. I like that the figures are so flat and hard-edged. Nara also really understands color.
I tried to stop by to see Ryan Cronk’s recent work but he wasn’t home. I took this picture through the window like a real creep. Looking good Ryan!
cute pooch at Big Medium
A great a collage hanging in the hallways at Big Medium. But, alas no tag and no name.
I kinda like this lady with her gloppy hand waving hey. By Max von Willmann at Big Medium.
Also this insane Kermit by Willmann.
Aaron Meyers is a grad in sculpture at UT and runs the new space, Callicarpa Gallery. This leaning sculpture is monumental and weird–it’s made out of concrete, polyurethane, rubber, wood, and steel. It looks cool from the backside too. At Big Medium.
I liked how this big clay head looks like she’s so unimpressed with the art around her. Sculpture by Jamie Lee Wade at Big Medium
Christopher Alan Cody Blair kills it every E.A.S.T. with his drawings. This time around he’s focused on super heroes and Hollywood films. I want one of these drawings real bad. At 1902 E. 11th St.
There’s a group show up at Tiny Park Gallery. I was immediately taken with these Sam Prekop works.
John Tennison made some tee-shirt art exhibited in his backyard with a host of other artists.
Caroline Wright’s studio looking like a proper artist’s studio–drop cloth, paints, and bucket.
Sonia Dutton filled a raw space with the work of the artist’s she’s been representing since closing Champion earlier this year. I really liked this space–the structure jutting out and the works tucked between.
Josh Dihle is a recent graduate of the MFA program in painting at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He does these sublime kind of out-of-focus paintings of geometric shapes that fold in on themselves. Equally great is this Untitled work–a sculptural painting made out of oil and wood. Dutton will be featuring Dihle during the Untitled Fair at Miami Basel this year.
At Okay Mountain Nathan Green’s paintings are also getting more sculptural. Awkward and clumpy and hung crooked. I like them.
I saw this flyer on the way to my car. Not necessarily an art object, but isn’t kind of poetic the way the contours of the cat were manipulated? I hope they find their cat.
Girls Guild is the brain child of Cheyenne Weaver and Diana Griffin. It’s this amazing new program in which women artists host apprenticeships and workshops with young girls. Classes range from soap making to portrait photography to stained glass design.The classes are so cool, go look for yourself. For E.A.S.T. they exhibited the work of the artists who have been involved in the program thus far. This is a gorgeous soft scarf by Callie Helen Thompson who runs BEAM textiles. I oohed and aahed over it with a pair of older ladies in matching denim visors–we all agreed it was perfect.
Elizabeth Chiles is teaching a workshop on storytelling through photography. I like how this photo in a light box can stand in for any window with a view. At Girls Guild.
Lee Webster is teaching a workshop in 16mm direct animation. For the Girls Guild show she had two videos on a loop (the only videos I saw at E.A.S.T.!). This was an eerie one about a house flooding.
The collage at Big Medium is Jamie Panzer
Sonia’s show was great. The diffused paintings ( i wish i could remember the artists name) were the most interesting.