Mexic-Arte Founder Sylvia Orozco receives Mask Collection from Mr. Carmine De Vivi during a recent visit to New Mexico.
In other Mexi-Arte news, the museum has received the 300 piece Patricia and Carmine De Vivi Mexican Mask Collection. Mr. De Vivi began his visits to indigenous villages in the 1950’s and collected the masks used in rituals and dances. The De Vivis, who live in New Mexico selected Mexic-Arte Museum as the permanent home for their collection which will be featured in an exhibition, “Masked: Changing Identities” in January.
1 comment
I was hoping I could get some more information on Mr.De Vivi. I recently purchased a print “Jonah’s Whale” from a local estate sale. I keep finding myself staring at the print and while I am not terribly educated in art, I do know what speaks to me and this has done just that.
I found that it was purchased from a gallery in Baltimore and it says it was made in 1930. I could send pictures if you would like to take a look. In doing research on Mr. De Vivi, I felt this may have either been a very early piece or possible mis-dated. I would like to find as much information on Mr. De Vivi and whether it were possible to find other prints of this time period that share it’s interesting theme and vibrant colors.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. My email is [email protected]. I am in North Carolina.
Thank you so much.