The group Urban Yarnage is set to yarn-bomb (with permission) the new GreenStreet area as the center celebrates the start of construction to transform the property, formerly Houston Pavilions, into an actual user-friendly destination.
Downtown visitors can watch the knitters in action from Tuesday, September 10-Thursday, September 12 as they cover over 100 stalks of bamboo (perched in the outdoor corridor between Mia Bella Trattoria and House of Blues), or to join in on the unveiling party that Thursday evening from 5-8 pm. There will be music by DJ Grooves and the whole area will be open to show off the current changes, including the large graffiti mural created earlier this year.
Urban Yarnage Founder Mary Goldsby states, “Our passionate knitting group is always looking for opportunities to contribute projects to Houston-area public spaces, and is excited to share our unique art form with the downtown area,” she adds. This is the same knitting group that had their Houston Heights neighborhood project vandalized earlier this summer, so help this to stick around for a while by keeping an eye out for the angry, crazy yarn-haters.