Randall Kallinen, flamboyant civil-rights attorney and part-time gallerist, is combining his two worlds: he’s holding a press conference tonight with the victim of an alleged police beating at his office/gallery, in conjunction with his exhibition Extra! Extra!, a group show of art concerning the news media. Surreal as the event may be, it has taken on an additionally surreal twist: today the Houston Chronicle is running video of police car dashboard camera footage of the alleged beating, in which 400-pound deputy constable Jimmie Drummond looks as if he is kicking a prone, handcuffed man. Strong stuff, released, or leaked to the press at just the right art-historical moment? The press conference with victim is tonight at 7:30 p.m. at 511 Broadway at the Extra! Extra! art show !
1 comment
He even kicks the white fluffy puppy. ouch.