Those who want to catch the entire Texas Biennial experience were, of course, at the Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum in San Antonio for the mega-survey show, but have also hit Houston’s Lawndale Art Center, Austin’s Big Medium, and Ballroom Marfa for associated exhibitions (and may have dropped in on the 80+ “participating organizations” throughout the state who organized “independent programming,” à la most FotoFest participants). The last item to check off the official list is HOMECOMING! Committee’s UT Dallas artist residency at CentralTrak.
On Thursday evening, CentralTrak will be hosting a reception to show off what the Committee has been up to so far: a project called Friskt kopplat, hälften brunnet (Quickly connected, half burned), a collection center for the public disposal of “well-worn, broken or unwanted IKEA furniture.” (Contact CentralTrak before dropping off donations: 214-824-9302.)
The Dallas Observer reports that the Committee was inspired by the recent news story about the Sweden’s garbage shortage (they burn trash in their efficient energy program and actually have to import much of it). HOMECOMING! is generously helping Sweden out by arranging to send old IKEA furniture back to its country of origin. It will all be crated up and sent to Sweden for a final exhibition before being incinerated.
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Thanks, Paula!
This evening of TX★13 programming at CentralTrak also includes, from 6-7:30pm, the next installment of”Why a Texas Biennial?” a panel discussion on the future of the project, followed by a brief presentation of The Dallas Collective’s “Open Studio”, the first commissioned Texas Biennial project, co-presented with Ballroom Marfa.
And from 8-8:30pm, TX★13 Julia Barbosa Landois performs her multimedia work “Culo de Oro”, accompanied by musician Erik Sanden.
AND thereafter, Texas Biennial director Shea Little will be tending bar.
Details on the Biennial Facebook Events page: