Red Bull has added Houston as one of its stops on the tour of “Red Bull Curates: The Canvas Cooler Project,” in which they invite 20 local artists to make a work of art out of one of their coolers. The finished pieces will be displayed in a one-night only exhibition on Thursday, August 14, 8-11pm, at Winter Street Studios. (RSVP for free entry.)
The following area artists were selected for the exhibition:
SCOTT TARBOX, Anat Ronen, Sebastien “Mr. D” Boileau, Deck WGF, Dual, Kelley Devine, Marsha Glickman, Taft McWhorter, GONZO247, Cheryl Tamborello, Van McFarland, ARTKUNGFU/Angel Quesada, Dune Tencer, Kevin Hernandez, Phillip O. Perez/Article, Jed Foronda. Jesse “Dense83” Greene, Tuyet T. Ongbarr, Jesus Martinez, and Anita Varadaraju.
Gallery visitors and a panel of judges will vote for their favorite pieces, awarding two artists in each city an invitation to exhibit in Miami during Art Basel Week. GONZO247 was already working the Red Bull judges during his appearance yesterday on KPRC. Citing Red Bull as his inspiration, he added, “Red Bull is a big part of the Houston art community.” In describing the “awesome company,” GONZO said, “Definitely, Red Bull, they have their fingers on the pulse of what’s going on in the city.”
Someone wants to go to Miami.