Austin’s Museum of Human Achievement has inaugurated a new exchange program with Silent Barn, an art space in Brooklyn, NY. Dubbed “AIR Swap,” the new program will send Austin artists to NY, and invite a Barner to use a dedicated studio space in the Museum’s building for one-month residencies.
It seems like a good fit: the two organizations share similar structure and ideology: The Museum of Human Achievement is a members-only multi-disciplinary event space dedicated to “facilitating emotional reactions and new experiences” as well as offering affordable studio spaces. Likewise, Silent Barn is a complex of studio and living spaces that includes a collectively-directed art space, a “social and administrative experiment” where “residents live and work amid artistic activity.” Their building is equipped with two performance spaces, a silk screen studio, craft room, co-working office, recording studio, expansive gallery space, and audio visual equipment. Through Silent Barn, Residents are also granted access to Materials for the Arts, New York City’s premier reuse center.
Applications for the residency are due on the last Monday of every month and at least one month in advance of the selected residency date. Get out your wallets, though: a room at Silent Barn will cost you $800 a month plus travel expenses, and residents are required to contribute skills to the Barn’s collective upkeep.