The Metropolitan Museum of Art became the last of the major New York museums to jump on the dedicated-app wagon. While the museum has been dabbling in digital for a dozen years, it only yesterday launched its own flagship application. (There was a launch party and a performance by the NYC band Interpol.)
Called simply “The Met,” the app is currently available only iOS (the Android version is slated for 2015). It’s not a virtual-tour deal; it’s a service-y one. (Via “The app has a very basic and simple interface, and can serve as the go-to for visitors looking for information on timings, tickets, current exhibitions, must-see highlights of the museum, any special events of the day, upcoming events, staff picks and members-only specials. Tapping on an item provides the user with a brief description and its location.”
For more info and a video about “The Met,” go here.