Ultra-rich former NYC mayor Michael (he’s “Mike” on all his websites) Bloomberg’s charitable foundation has announced a “Public Art Challenge” today, inviting U.S. cities to develop temporary public art projects that “enhance cultural and economic activity.” Mayors in cities with populations of 30,000 or more (Texas has some of those!) can submit proposals beginning today for visual, performing arts and multimedia projects. Finalists will be selected in February and at least three cities will be chosen in May. Each will receive $1 million to develop projects over two years.
Bloomberg Philanthropies has posted the application and guidelines on its website. Artists: it’s time to come up with some huge, crazy projects and cozy up to your local mayor!
(Image: Associated Press)
My proposal is a durational performance piece called “Man Spending $1,000,000”.
Or how about “Dumb Rich Liberal vs. Evil 32 oz Slurpee”?