On Wednesday December 3, The Actors Fund, Dance Source Houston, and Fresh Arts are teaming up with Legacy Community Health Services to host a public workshop called “Every Artist Insured.” At 7 p.m. that evening at The Barn on Preston Street (Dance Source’s headquarters), healthcare marketplace pros will be on hand to “discuss how to enroll in an ACA plan” and help you navigate “the Marketplace web site and help you with the enrollment process.” They’ll also walk you through your options for federal subsidies, when applicable. You could walk outta there with health insurance! Or at least a concrete start date for your new health insurance!
(People: I signed up for the ACA last year and have been really pleased with my plan through 2014, and yes, I’ve been using it.)
This workshop is free. They are hoping for RSVPs, though. For more info, go to this Facebook page or try here.