Yesterday, the Huffington Post reported on the Monster Project, an Austin-based start-up group that pairs elementary school students with professional artists. The results are even cuter than it sounds.
The project simply asks students to draw monsters and then artists recreate the monster in their own style. So far, they have only worked with students in Austin and Dallas, but are looking to expand their reach. On their website, they explain their intentions:
By collaborating with the students and finding inspiration from their imaginings, we hope to help them recognize the value of their ideas and make them feel excited about the potential of their own minds. Creativity comes in many forms, and we hope to encourage their exploration of their own unique perceptions of the world we share. And, while we’re at it, we want to introduce to them the notion of art as a legitimate career path.
Below are a few examples. For more killer cuteness, read the HuffPost article, or visit the Monster Project art gallery. (The names of the child artists are not listed on the site.)