GONZO serves as tomorrow night’s guest, along with Menil Curator Toby Kamps. Photo: Josh Glaze via 365thingsinhouston.com
In celebration of the tenth anniversary of the artist studio program at Houston’s Lawndale Art Center, Lawndale Live opened this weekend. Directed by Phillip Pyle, II and hosted by Maurice Duhon, Jr., Lawndale Live is a live show filmed weekly in front of a studio audience at Lawndale. Stephen Wilson serves as set designer, Jawwaad Taylor as music director, and a very eclectic mix of guests are featured.
Emily Peacock and Patrick Renner were the guests for Friday evening’s opening. For those who did not take the advice of last week’s Top Five, take a look at the rest of the schedule:
Tuesday, November 15. Guests: GONZO, Toby Kamps, Artist Studio Program Residents: Melinda, Sarah, Randi
Music by: Jawwaad
Tuesday, November 22. Guest: Jerome Solomon
Music by: DJ Good Grief
Tuesday, November 29. Guests: Marlon Hall, Danielle Fainfair
Music by: DJ Good Grief
Tuesday, December 6. Guest: Mayor Parker
Music by: DJ Flash Gordon Parks
Tuesday, December 13. Guests: Fat Tony, Paul Middendorf
Music by: DJ Flash Gordon Parks
Thursday, December 22. Guests: Lisa Gray, Lisa Harris
Music by: Fat Tony
Each episode will eventually be available online, so go be a part of the studio audience. It’s bound to make some strange art TV.