Austin is taking a front seat on the Texan transgender art scene. Yesterday, Reporting Texas published an article entitled “Austin Trans and Queer Artists Seek Visibility Amid Intolerance.” Focusing on graphic designer David Tarafa and artist Drew Riley, the piece discusses the underfunded but enthusiast movement.
Tarafa created the promotional poster for a protest against the Texas “bathroom bill,” which would force people on college campuses and in government buildings to use bathrooms that correspond to the sex listed on their birth certificates. Riley organized Austin’s first Gender Unbound Art Fest, an event where transgender, intersex and gender nonconforming artists displayed their work.
Austin, a college town, has long been pretty queer-friendly and, perhaps, other cities may follow suit. The Henry Art Gallery, in another college town (Seattle), is now presenting Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects, an ongoing series of exhibitions.