The Galveston Art Center is hosting a photography workshop led by exhibiting photographer Steve R. Fisher on Saturday, April 15th, from 2 pm – 4 pm. The workshop, part of GAC’s Exhibit-Connect Workshop Series, is open to photographers of every level. It kicks off with a lecture by Fisher about his current GAC show, Galveston: Spare Beauty, where he’ll get into details of the making of his images, including the capture of them and processing/darkroom technicalities.
Then, via GAC: “The lecture will be followed by a guided photo walk in Galveston’s historic Broadway Cemeteries. There Steve will guide participants in how best to capture meaningful photographs of the sculpture and architectural pieces found there.” Fisher is a Houston native who lives in Pearland. His “photographs of the Galveston area have received local, regional, and international recognition,” and he “received a Master’s Degree from Texas Tech University and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston and now also teaches at UTMB.”
Though not necessary, participants are encouraged to bring cameras with f-stop and shutter speed capabilities. For more info, go here.