Well, most of us missed it.
Trevor Noah’s Daily Show presented a New York pop-up exhibition (June 16-18) of the The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library. Based mainly on the artistry of presidential tweets, it also included multimedia works and installations, such as “Sad! A Retrospective.” In an interactive photo-op work, guests could sit enthroned on a golden toilet and tweet while wearing a luxurious bathrobe and a Trump wig.
The exhibition was packed and the hours of the last day’s show were extended. The Daily Show is now considering touring the exhibition.
Want a virtual tour? Go here.
1 comment
Not to sound like a “Debbie Downer”, but it might be good for Colbert, Oliver and Noah to hang it up for a while. These satirists are successful at softening our political situation, but I don’t think we need mockery right now. We, as in all party affiliations, need to hold this administration to task. We need to focus and collectively band together to make these career politicians remember that they work for us. After there is some sense of decency and professionalism again then we should make light hearted jokes. Just a thought, I am sure the memes and jokes will continue non-the-less.