The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation has partnered with West Elm, retailer of casual chic and not-quite-cheap home furnishings, to create a Rauschenberg collection of stuff for your very own home. They offer a sofa, a scoop-back chair, salad plates, a decorative box, mugs, and pillow covers (but no bed).
On its web site, West Elm states, “The art that inspired our collection was created during the Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Exchange, when he travelled to 10 countries and used the creative process to spark dialogue towards mutual understanding. Between 1985 and 1990, the Texan native took the Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Exchange (ROCI, pronounced “Rocky,” the name of the artist’s pet turtle) to Mexico, Chile, Venezuela, China, Tibet, Japan, Cuba, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Malaysia, and Germany.
We’re not sure how Rauschenberg, who died in 2008, would feel about getting into the home décor business, but he would be happy to know that 10% of sales supports the Foundation’s grants in art, social justice, climate change, and education.