The City of Houston has launched an artist residency program. It’s seeking three artists for this round, “…a new, 16-week community-impact artist residency will pair Houston artists with city and partner agencies to create art that addresses the issues of community development, veterans, immigrants and refugees.” It pays $7,500 plus a $2500 stipend for the project. The Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs is managing the program, which is hosted by the Office of Veteran’s Affairs, the city Office of New Americans and Immigrant Communities, BakerRipley and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation.
Mayor Sylvester Turner says the new residency is part of the Complete Communities initiative. The neighborhoods targeted for the artists’ projects are Gulfton, Near Northside and Third Ward.
“Applicants from Houston’s visual, performing, literary and multimedia artists are welcome. Requirements include prior completion of Artists, INC Houston program of Mid-America Arts Alliance and Fresh Arts, or a grant through the local arts agency Houston Arts Alliance.”
For more info, go here.