In the aftermath of Harvey, a group of artists has banded together to help families affected by Hurricane Harvey. Artists Clear Houston, organized by the husband-and-wife team of Seba and Anthony Suber, mobilized teams of qualified artists and volunteers with supplies to clean out flooded houses — and their work continues.
According to the Subers, “We are mainly working now on weekends but we need more volunteers with manpower, experience, tools, and protective gear because we cannot go to every house that we know needs help. We also need donations, and if you’d like to simply donate, please goto” The Subers partnered with the group Awakened to Move, a nonprofit arts-centered spiritual organization that also works to support budding social entrepreneurs in Houston.
“If you are or know someone who is experienced or just handy and is willing and capable to help in clearing homes over the next few weeks, please let us know. We are also in great need of volunteers to help with organization of the requests that we are receiving for help, as well as dispatching volunteers to homes of those in need.”
Anthony Suber added that anyone who knows of houses needing help, particularly in any underserved areas such as the Northeast side, to please let Artists Clear Houston know.
If you’d like to volunteer to help, or for more information, email [email protected]. For Facebook updates, visit the Awakened to Move page.