All arts and cultural organizations impacted by Hurricane Harvey need to attend a county mandatory briefing in order to register/apply for FEMA Public Assistance. Registration for FEMA may be a pre-requisite for other disaster assistance applications. The briefing is designed to provide the potential FEMA Public Assistance applicants with an understanding of the Public Assistance process and the record keeping they will need to maintain to receive reimbursement.
The meeting for organizations within Montgomery County is taking place this morning (September 18), but here is the list of other county briefings:
Tuesday, Sept 19, 10:30am
Applicant Briefing Harris County at TranStar Training/Conference Room A/B located at Houston TranStar 6922 Katy Road Houston, Texas 77024
Tuesday, Sept 19, 1;00pm
Applicant Briefing Walker County at Walker County Storm Shelter located at 463 Hwy 75 North Huntsville, Texas 77320
Wednesday, Sept 20, 10:30am
Applicant Briefing Hardin, Jefferson, Orange County at Beaumont Event Center, 700 Crockett St., Beaumont, TX 77701
Wednesday, Sept 20, 2:00pm
Applicant Briefing Waller County at the Waller County Courthouse, 836 Austin Street (in the Assembly Room #113) Hempstead, Texas 77445
Thursday, Sept 21, 10:00am
Applicant Briefing Liberty County at Liberty Center 1829 Sam Houston Liberty, TX 77575
Thursday, Sept 21, 1:30pm
Applicant Briefing Galveston and Brazoria County in the Nolan Ryan Center at Alvin Community College 3110 Mustang Rd, Alvin, TX 77511
Friday, Sept 22, 9:00am
Applicant Briefing Fort Bend and Matagorda County in the large conference room at Rosenberg Annex at 4520 Reading Rd, Rosenberg, Texas 77471
Friday, Sept 22, 1:00pm
Applicant Briefing Chambers County in the McLeod Recreation Center located at 10717 Langston Dr, Mont Belvieu, TX 77523
For the FEMA fact sheet, go here. For more information, visit the Harvey Arts Recovery Facebook page.