Last October, Tom Hanks hosted Saturday Night Live’s Halloween show and debuted a character that took the world by storm. Flanked by two dancing skeletons, David S. Pumpkins (the “S” stands for Simon) tried to scare visitors in a haunted mansion-style ride, but ended up winning the hearts and minds of America. The appeal truly is unexplainable — you simply have to watch the skit:
Because the world can’t get enough of this mysterious pumpkin-suited man, NBC has announced that a 30-minute animated David S. Pumpkins Halloween Special will premiere this Halloween. Via the Los Angeles Times:
“The David S. Pumpkins Halloween Special” will be set in a small suburban town on All Hallow’s Eve. The story will follow Pumpkins and his skeleton sidekicks as they show a young boy and their sister the true meaning of Halloween. There will likely be many questions, but NBC’s official description promises Pumpkins and his pals will be answering none along the way.
Any questions?