The Pollock-Krasner Foundation has bestowed a major gift on the Byrdcliffe Art Colony near Woodstock, New York, in support of artists in North America recently displaced by disaster. “This grant includes significant funding for artists affected by the recent earthquakes in Mexico, wildfires in California, hurricanes in Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas, and other natural disasters.” The deadline for application is March 1, 2018.
20 artists, working in all media, will be selected for a four-week residency. “The grant will also provide a stipend to assist with the cost of travel to and from the residency, and supplies to help compensate for lost and damaged materials. Artists eligible for this grant-funded residency may choose to be considered for the communal living residency, the private live/work space at Varenka, or the couples residency at The Forge when applying.”
Byrdcliffe, a live-work artist residency set on 250 scenic mountain acres in the Catskills, was founded in 1902 and has hosted such luminaries as Bob Dylan, Philip Guston, and Eva Hesse. “Visual artists and craftspeople in all media, writers, musicians, composers, architects, filmmakers, actors, and artists in other disciplines are invited to apply.”
For more info on this and to apply, please go here and here, and for questions, please email [email protected].