The painted graffiti hanging over southbound drivers on I-45 freeway through downtown Houston declaring “Be Someone” has been has been a matter of discussion since it went up in (probably) mid-2012. Some called it lame; others, such as former Glasstire senior editor Bill Davenport wrote in 2013, “True, the pieces run counter to the prevailing darkness and egotism of street art, and are technically crude, but if the unusual combination of idiocy, ugliness, goodwill, and balls fits, wear it!”
The piece has been painted over or altered over the years, but enthusiasts have always replaced it. Now, there is a petition to ask the City of Houston to protect the message, reports Click2news. As commenter “Lee” added to Davenport’s original post, “This graffiti has been massively inspirational to many passerby, myself included. I’m always happy to drive past it, because I can always benefit from being reminded to “be someone.” And I know many others who feel the same way… Positivity is never a lame message.”
This morning, Coleton Emr posted on the site: “I am so grateful for all the support from everyone. Today, not only did KPRC2 share this on their Facebook page, but I was given the opportunity to be interviewed by Fox26 Houston this evening. We are currently over 7,000 signatures and approaching 10,000 quickly! Remember to share the link to this petition to your social media pages and tell your friends and family about it! Let’s reach 50,000 signatures!!!”