Many artists supplement their income with day jobs as art teachers. And most artists have had influential art teachers. Since this is the beginning of “Teacher Appreciation Week,” we would like to take some time to appreciate you and your mentors.
As recent teacher walk-outs have attested, no teachers are paid nearly enough. But get out your teacher ID card and get online. This week, businesses (mainly restaurant chains) have freebies and discounts for you.
It certainly won’t make up for your lack of pay, but take advantage of anything you can. And, thanks again!
My fifth grade art teacher, and next door neighbor Maryann McKinney (who is still ticking!) gave me the best advice, which I still adhere to today. She said, “Beth, you don’t have to always draw your subject in the center of the paper,” after seeing about five hundred of my drawings in which I always centered my subject. Well said Maryann, well said.
Thank you very very much much. To the mom that does the first lesson, the middle school teacher that guides through the awkward phase, the high school teacher that doesn’t let you quit, the college prof that reinforces potential, and the grad teachers that sharpens your craft. Everyone benefits from art teachers