Houston-based artist (and former gallerist-consultant and journalist) Dan Allison, when not making his own art, has a side-gig professionally archiving other artists’ work. Some artists’ archives, catalogs or websites he’s recently completed include those for Houston notables such as Ed Wilson, Ken Luce, and Meredith Jack. Mr. Allison specializes in documentation, collections, photography and photo editing, copy writing, and website building.
Mr. Allison writes of his archive philosophy:
“Documentation is history, and archiving is the evidence of the journey taken by the collector and the artist. There are as many ways to collect art as there are collectors; as many ways to make art as there are artists. It has been one of the great challenges and joys of my life to pull the two together and tell the story of that relationship through documentation and archiving.”
Mr. Allison also offers services for collectors, via building searchable hard-copy catalogs of collections, along with artworks’ provenance. “This is something that gives galleries, appraisers, and auction houses a resource to substantiate established market values for the artists in your collection and gives the artists a leg up with galleries they might approach.”
Below is a list of Mr. Allison’s links:
Website for artist Ken Luce: https://www.kenluceart.com/
Website for artist Ed Wilson: https://www.edwilsonart.com/
This is the archive and resulting catalog for artist Meredith Jack’s art collection: https://www.bookemon.com/flipread/808150/meredith-jack-collection#book/
You can email Mr. Allison here.
1 comment
Didn’t know you had put this up. THANKS for the plug Glasstire!