Princess is a performance art and music duo: Alexis Gideon and Michael O’Neill explore queerness and the concept of masculinity. In their sci-fi film and live performance Out There, Princess considers men’s place in the current reckoning of #metoo. In the trailer for the film, a caption reads: “2028: Proclaiming Earth to be a misogynistic dystopia, the art-pop super duo Princess prepares a rocket ship to a find a better world. As only two white men could.” Gideon and O’Neill have both exhibited art globally and collaborated with such musicians as JD Samson of Le Tigre, Dan Deacon, and tUnE-yArDs. “Princess blends electronic, hip-hop, and kitsch into an arch and surreal space opera.”
Princess is making the rounds in Texas this month, and will play Top Ten Records in Dallas on April 16, Aurora Picture Show in Houston on April 17, and Hotel Vegas in Austin on April 18. The performance at the Aurora Picture Show will also include a touring interactive RV installation by Sofia Caetono titled Poison Garden, which features video collages, a “non-material” guru, and host Fatty Con Fetti beamed in digitally from a projection helmet.
Tickets and full schedule can be found here.