The Pandemic Faire, a digital art fair organized by North Texas-based artists Ted Kincaid and Scott Anderson, premiered today. The cheekily named event — which aims to bring art to viewers and collectors during this time of self-quarantine, social distancing, and museum and gallery closures — features more than 30 artists, with more on the way.
Many known and respected Texas-based artists that Glasstire has written about and covered over the years are involved in the fair, including Celia Eberle, Emily Peacock, Jeff Gibbons, Sarah Fox, Matt Messinger, Letitia Huckaby, Gabriel Dawe, and many more. Also included in the fair are artists and past Glasstire writers, including Margaret Meehan, Lorraine Tady, and Laura Lark.
In their description of the fair, Kincaid and Anderson deliver some bite when describing the impetus for the virtual event, writing that the Pandemic Fair “is a platform to bring work by contemporary visual artists directly to the viewing and collecting public, without that abject fear of contagion by some art consultant who became infected on a client’s private jet.”
They go on to explain that the fair takes no profit from any of the artists involved, and will connect viewers and interested parties directly with artists.
Glasstire is pleased to be the media sponsor of the Pandemic Faire. In these times, Glasstire feels that it is important to connect people with art and artists, and the fair is just one of the many ways that we can help make that happen. We’re facilitating other ways of seeing art, through our Five-Minute Tours of Texas art exhibitions shuttered by the coronavirus, and through our suggestions of online ways to experience culture. We’re bringing you movie of the day recommendations, and providing our community with a list of artist resources in these tough times.
To view all of the Pandemic Faire’s artists, please go here. New artists will be added weekly.
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Thank you, Glasstire!