Last year’s Martin Luther King Day parade in downtown Houston was full of fanfare and pomp. Marching bands from area schools lined up and proceeded in cadence, the light from the luminous winter sun sparkled off brass instruments and glittery costumes, and beaming faces greeted a pre-pandemic crowd that gathered to watch the festivities.
It was my first Houston parade, not counting the Thanksgiving parade one winter before, when I had no clue I would be living in Houston one year later. Were it not for the fact that this would be my first MLK Day celebration in my new city, I may have skipped it, thinking “I’ll go next year.”
The uncertainty of rising coronavirus infections has put everything on hold or online, including the 2021 parade, which has been transformed into a virtual event here in Houston, as well as Dallas and other cities across Texas. Until next year (fingers, toes, and everything else crossed), here are a dozen images from last year’s parade. Happy MLK Day!