Art from left to right: Untitled (008), Sam Sanford, Liz Rodda, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in; Untitled (016), Carlos Rosales Silva, Sterling Allen, Jonathan Marshall, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.; Untitled (031), Tim Brown, Alexis E Mabry, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.; Untitled (038), Sterling Allen, Drew Liverman, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.; Untitled (067), Josh Rios, Carlos Rosales Silva, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.; Untitled (129), Justin Goldwater, Rachel Wolfson Smith, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.; Untitled (158), Kathleen McShane, Jonathan Faber, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.; Untitled (172), Drew Liverman, Liz Rodda, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.; Untitled (175), Sterling Allen, Alexis E Mabry, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.; Untitled (211), Alexis E Mabry, Lisa Choinacky, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.; Untitled (227), Sam Sanford, Drew Liverman, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.; Untitled (005), Kathleen McShane, Bethany Johnson, 2020, Mixed media, 7 x 7 in.
Between now and March 25, nearly 250 collaborative drawings (or what remains from sales) will be available from a drawing project by the Austin-based, critically acclaimed art collective Okay Mountain. The 7×7 drawing project, which was begun in 2006, continued during the pandemic in 2020 as a new series of drawings, which are now available as part of Big Medium’s artist registry.
Okay Mountain’s ongoing 7×7 project resembles an ongoing exquisite-corpse-like project, and as a result has yielded hundreds of drawings, from the project’s early days in 2006 to the present. As it evolves, it highlights the nuances of a collaborative project across cities and time while keeping some individual identifiers intact.
The rules-driven contained project states simply that “a drawing must be started by one person and finished by another, [and] the drawing surface must be 7 inches by 7 inches. Aside from that everything is open, including who participates in the game.”
Among the many artists involved, both part of and apart from the collective (i.e. some collaborators who are not members of collective) include the following: Sterling Allen, Tim Brown, Dave Bryant, Jules Buck Jones, Lisa Choinacky, Peat Duggins, Jonathan Faber, Justin Goldwater, Ryan Hennessee, Bethany Johnson, Drew Liverman, Alexis E Mabry, Jonathan Marshall, Kathleen McShane, Annie B Miller, Nathan Randall Green, Matt Rebholz, Josh Rios, Liz Rodda, Carlos Rosales-Silva, Sam Sanford, Michael Sieben, Corkey Sinks, Dan Sutherland, and Rachel Wolfson Smith.
For more information, please visit Big Medium’s website here.