Austin-based artist Caroline Walker has partnered with The Dougherty Arts Center and Austin’s Museums & Cultural Programs, along with community members, to present Collective Voices. For the project, members of the public were invited to contribute brief messages about something they are grateful for that helped them get through the Covid-19 crisis. Walker then combined the submitted drawings, writings, and voice recordings into six digital mosaics.
More about the Collective Voices project:
“Six digitally crafted mosaics [are] displayed on heart-shaped structures that trigger an augmented reality experience that plays the submitted audio messages in combination with digital visual effects. Viewers can get the full experience by downloading Walker’s app Collective Voices from the Google Play or the Apple App Store and visiting any of the art installation locations. When viewers look at the art installation through the app, they’ll hear the community members’ audio submissions and see their messages of gratitude appearing to float out from the art installation into the universe. The art installations highlight Austinite’s stories of coping strategies and silver linings that they have appreciated during this challenging time. Among the many themes, the most popular ones included connecting with nature and spending more time with family.”
The installations will be on view in different Austin locations — at The Arboretum, Gateway Shopping Center, and The Shops at Arbor Walk through May 13; Art For the People Gallery through May 13; and Prizer Arts and Letters Gallery through April 16th, 2021.
Austin-based artist Caroline Walker is a multi-disciplinary artist who incorporates an augmented reality component into much of her work. ‘I’m not a techie,’ Walker says, ‘I just have the patience to figure out new mediums that may offer possibilities for conveying my message.’ She received a B.S. in engineering and enjoyed a career as an interactive designer and art director in New York. Since 2015, Walker’s focus has been on creating work that reaches the viewer on a visceral level through interactive technology additions to sculptural work. Her work can be found in numerous collections in Texas, New York and India.